Sometimes, the constraints of our day to day commitments leave us feeling frustrated, worn-out and a long way from God.
We can end up feeling that we need to escape our lives in order to find them.
The truth is, that all of life is holy.
‘Every aspect of our living is an opportunity to connect with the God who lies at the centre of our being”
Margaret Silf, ‘Landmarks: An Ignatian Journey’ (DLT: London, 1998)
Escape isn’t necessary: for the very earth beneath our feet is holy ground. Here, now and in this place.

When I move inwards towards the centre of myself, I move closer to the person I most truly am, before God. This is dangerous ground. As I begin to see who I am – truly and without protective masks – I may find serious discrepancies between the person who lives in the WHERE, and the person God created me to be, in my WHO. I will find shame, but I will also find glory. I will move closer to the God who dwells in my heart, and the encounter will challenge me in ways I cannot predict. This is the power of prayer. This is the risk of the inner journey.
Margaret Silf

Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. The angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. He looked. The bush was blazing away but it didn’t burn up.
Exodus 3:1-6, The Message
Moses said, “What’s going on here? I can’t believe this! Amazing! Why doesn’t the bush burn up?” God saw that he had stopped to look. God called to him from out of the bush, “Moses! Moses!” He said, “Yes? I’m right here!”
God said, “Don’t come any closer. Remove your sandals from your feet. You’re standing on holy ground.” Then he said, “I am the God of your father: The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.”
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A retreat is a chance to step aside from your everyday life, to rest and to ‘be’ in a welcoming and peaceful environment. Retreats are …

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice in which one person accompanies another on their journey through life, helping …

Holy Ground still hosts Night Prayer on Facebook Live every Tuesday at 9.30pm (during term time). This is a twenty-minute contemplative …

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